Tom Olin with the Road To Freedom Bus

Tom Olin with the Road To Freedom Bus

Friday, February 19, 2016

Rolling to REVUP Houston to Make The Disability Vote Count

The Road to Freedom Tour ADA Bus is on its way to the national launch of REV UP  in Houston at 11AM on February 23 at TIRR Memorial Hermann, 1333 Moursand. People with disabilities around the country are organizing to make the disability vote count in 2016.

Tom Olin, an award-winning photographer, captains the Road to Freedom Bus. There will be an exhibit of his photos at the REV UP launch.

Olin, is now on his third round of this important, nation-wide tour that provides Americans the opportunity to celebrate the important milestones in disability history and raise awareness about disability rights issues.  

 “REV UP” is a priority issue for the ADA Bus. ‘REV UP’ stands for Register, Educate, Vote, Use, Power. The REV UP event promotes the growing influence of the DISABILITY VOTE nationwide.   REV UP will also work to ensure access to the polls on Election Day for Americans with disabilities.  
The American Association of People with Disabilities(AAPD) is the national coordinator of REV UP. Their website has a wealth of materials for state and local campaigns and is being updated regularly.  

REV UP Houston is sponsored by several organizations, including The Texas Disability Project, Disability Rights Texas, and the Houston Center for Independent Living (HCIL). 

The keynote speaker for the Houston REV UP launch is Lex Frieden, an early architect of the ADA.

“Important issues that have a profound effect on people with disabilities haven’t really been part of the discussion this political season. There are more than 56 million Americans with disabilities and 76 million baby boomers who will soon be coping with disabilities. We need to be active in the democratic process and our voices need to be heard,” explains Frieden.

Join the REV UP movement and let the 2016 candidates respond to our issues and feel the power of the disability vote. 


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