Tom Olin with the Road To Freedom Bus

Tom Olin with the Road To Freedom Bus

Monday, June 13, 2016

Orlando Strong

June 13, 2016

All of us at the Disability Rights Center and The Road to Freedom Bus Tour send our love and support to the Orlando community. Our hearts ache for the victims of the June 12th devastating attack at Pulse, their families and friends. We cannot experience your depth of pain and grief but we hope to lift your spirit in this time of anguish.

We express our unity with the Orlando LGBTIQ community. We encourage all people to turn from hatred and work together to support one another, especially members of groups traditionally excluded from mainstream American society. Intersectionality brings together the diverse cultures, strengths and skill sets that create a kinder, inclusive society where all contributions are valued and welcomed.

This was not an attack by Muslims. We are concerned about senseless backlash toward our Muslim brothers and sisters. Speak up and lend a hand if you witness this.

The people of Orlando are strong and resilient. Those who lost their lives will be honored and remembered. You will recover. We support you with our love and prayers.

Janine Bertram
Tom Olin

Disability Rights Center